Choosing The Right Vehicle For Your Adventure

Failure is not an option. After your personal safety the most important decision of your adventure is choosing your transport. Carrying capacity vs. maneuverability, fuel types, old vs newer design technology, gadgets or simplicity, suspension choices, trailer vs solo truck, and sleeping arrangements are just some of the considerations. The following presentation will provide insight into vehicle selection as it relates to your adventure and destination choice.

Michael Ladden will be teaching this class on

Friday, September 29 • 10:00am - 10:50am & Saturday, September 30 • 3:00pm - 3:50pm

For more information on Overland Expo 2017 or to register for the event:

DRIVE THE GLOBE | Overland Adventures

Overland Expo East 2017 Photos & Video


The Marauder - Ten Tons Of Awesome!